frequently asked questions


Will I need a referral ?

In order to gain a rebate from Medicare you will need to be referred by a General Practitioner (GP), or Psychiatrist.

A GP is required to complete a mental health assessment and prepare a mental health treatment plan (Mental Health Care Plan) before referring to a Psychologist. In order to discuss a treatment plan with your GP you will need to book a longer appointment time.

Individuals can see a Psychologist without a GP referral. However, medicare will not provide a rebate for these sessions. Some private health funds, however, provide a rebate for psychology sessions. It is best to check with your private health fund regarding this.


What  problems are covered under a Mental Health Care Plan ?

The Medicare initiative covers a number of conditions including: psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, phobic disorders, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder, depression, sexual disorders, bereavement disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, panic disorder, alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, sleep problems, attention deficit disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and co-occurring anxiety and depression.


Under the Medicare scheme how many sessions am I entitled to ?

Dr Watchorn is registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and has a medicare provider numbers, enabling you to claim a Medicare rebate for your counselling sessions.  As previously mentioned, to claim these rebates, you must have a referral, in the form of a Mental Health Care Plan, from your GP, or psychiatrist. Eligible people can receive ten individual counselling sessions in a calendar year. Your referring medical practitioner will assess your progress after the first six sessions.


How much will it cost ?

The Australian Psychological Society recommended a $311 consultation fee for psychologists in 2023-2024. Dr. Watchorn's standard fee for a 50-minute individual consultation is $230. Couples therapy is charged at a higher rate of $380 for an initial 80-minute consultation and $260 for subsequent 50-minute consultations.
Dr. Watchorn does not bulk bill but offers a reduced fee for Concession Card holders.

Medicare rebates are available for psychological treatment of eligible mental health conditions. You can claim a proportion of your fees from Medicare if your medical practitioner assesses you to be eligible for psychological services under Medicare, and if you have a referral and a "care plan" from your medical practitioner. If you have a Medicare care plan, Medicare will reimburse up to $141.85 per session. This will cover you for a maximum of 10 sessions in a calendar year: 6 initially, and then 4 more after a review by your medical practitioner.

Alternatively, a proportion of your fees may be redeemable from your private health insurance, depending on your health plan. 

We welcome your questions and enquiries. Please feel free to contact us (preferably via email - with any questions that you may have.


What are the limits to confidentiality ?

Information you provide in a psychology session will be held in the strictest confidence and generally will not be available to others without your written permission. There are, however, legal limits to this confidentiality. This information is provided in the information pack for clients provided to clients before their first appointment.


What do I need to bring to the first session ?

It is important to email back to us completed intake forms prior to your first appointment.


What is the length of a consultation ?

The standard consultation time is fifty minutes. However, shorter or longer sessions can also be offered at the discretion of Dr Watchorn.